Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Can you translate CDizz?

We are looking for qualified people who are able to translate the CDizz Player interface to new languages.

If you have good language skills in both English and your native language, and if you wish to have CDizz speak your language please contact us at:
info @ cdizz . com

This involves modifying a single simple text file and sending it back to us.
You will be credited for your work, of course.

Languages that are already available are: English, Hebrew.

Thank you,
The CDizz Team

CDizz Player is a free multimedia CD player [downloaded here].
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A better CDizz release

After several preview releases, we're about to replace the older version of CDizz which was published in our site as a "Stable Version" with the new 0.9856 version which is far better and faster than the old version.

This means that update notices will appear for all CDizz users. We plan on improving the update notification system in later versions so it won't nag too much to users who wish to stay with their older version a little longer.

CDizz Player is a free multimedia CD player [downloaded here].
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